Winging through life: Not a reality check

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'm a boy I'm a boy but my mom won't accept it

I burnt my tongue on the coffee in the grad lounge and also got terribly sick of editing the zillionth draft of my paper so now will take a creative break and do some random blogging!

So this conference I was attending comprised of a cackle of feminists from sociology. This group of smart oldies have realised that the only way to get new members to attend their conference is to have it in exotic good weathered places. The last winter meeting was in Miami & who will want to miss Miami in the middle of January? It's wierd cos mostly all they do is stroke themselves for all their good work ("oh did u read my last book , it's REALLY good" - yup no modesty in anyone here!) and pretend to really care for us mere grad students. Maybe I am being too harsh but it pissed me off that it claims to be the a place where faculty intercat with juniors and tra la la and almost everywhere we were completely ignored. Well, I do confess I was not bothered since I really was more intersted in taking a dip in the sea than hearing them be so "liberal" and revolutionary as to assign "different color ribbons for colored faculty" (?? who does that???)

well, who cares. I got my sun, sand and mofongo!

The beach benind our hotel was supposed to be our "private" beach - it was not too bad just paled in comparison to the private beach that next door neighbor Hilton owned! But what the heck, blue water is blue water and blue sky cannot be bluer above Hilton so we were happy!

ok tongue healed so back to work for a bit...

Another coffee break. it's 3 pm and disgustingly cold out. Missing my lil beach outside hotel Normandie. The good part about SJ was that even tho the beaches were no great shakes (no, they were great but not as great as u expect the "Carribeans" to be - I mean they were worse than Goa in soemways cos of the buildings around - here I go singing Jana Gana Mana again) the old city made up for it. I never thought I would enjoy a city so much - cobbled streets, fancy restaurants, colorful shops, view of the sea from street ends, palm trees on every sqaure in the middle of the city, houses of bizarre colors lined one after the other, old style lamp posts, plants sand creepers hanging from peopl's balcony.. I was so enamored that even the police man in blue uniform seemed quaint and exotic!


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